Civil Service
Updated On: Sep 11, 2015
Civil Service – What Would It Mean?
For the members who missed our meeting on September 10th, TMPA representative Dick Brock discussed civil service and what it could bring to the organization. We will attach a scanned copy of TMPA’s Civil Service Referendum as well as the Power Point discussed in the meeting for our membership to review. It is the Board’s intent to allow our membership time to ask questions and research the topic so that they can make an informed and educated decision. We will then place a poll on our website that will allow each member an opportunity to vote on whether we should pursue trying to get civil service on the 2016 COA ballot. Ultimately, the citizens of Arlington will be responsible for voting in civil service.
As you review the document and work towards your decision on how to vote, there is one significant factor that you must take into consideration. Simply put, that which we have been given can be taken away. Everything from health insurance benefits to terminal pay to tuition reimbursement is a gift from the City. As you look through the TMPA handout, you will notice that we currently have several of the listed items but they can disappear at anytime. We have no protection and no recourse.
Pay attention to how disciplinary actions would be conducted. Civil service would help hold everyone accountable for the adhering to the policies. We would be accountable for following them in the field and supervisors at all levels would have to follow them. Even Administration would have to follow them when conducting investigations into allegations of misconduct.
Pay attention to how promotions would be conducted. Consideration would be given for experience. Imagine the concept of officers getting credit for seniority when being considered for a promotion.
This is a step in ensuring protection for all. This is about everyone from the recruits in the academy to the officers filling out their retirement paperwork. It is about ensuring our future as well as our ability to maintain benefits. It is about the cops regardless of rank or membership in a police association – nothing less.