Latest News

Crime Control Prevention District
My name is Chris Ceballos President of the Arlington Municipal Patrolman’s Association in Arlington. Over the past few weeks, we have been addressing the Arlington City Council to place the Crime Control Prevention District on the 2024 Ballot. The CCPD allows for a portion of sales tax to go to the Police Department for training and equipment. This is not a tax increase but a reallocation of our current sales tax.

New Information On Former Police Chief Will Johnson N-Word Complaint
Members, as most of you know, we filed a complaint back in March 2019, against our former Chief of Police Will Johnson, for the use of the N word. You also may recall we have been fighting the disparity between how officers are disciplined compared to supervisors. We even address our concerns with the Arlington City Council & the City Manager, requesting an independent investigation into our Internal Affair Division, after a recent arbitration ruling that we believed helped our cause. In ad...

Lack Of Accountability For Arlington Police Department May Have Cascading Consequences
Jan 30, 2020: You have heard the old saying about how the “past can come back to haunt you”. Well that could never be truer for Assistant Chief Kolbye and the Arlington Police Department. Attached is a copy of a motion for a new trial for Hector Acosta. Acosta you may remember was arrested and charged with Capital Murder, for killing two people and decapitating one of them. In November 2019, Acosta was found guilty and sentenced to death. On Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2020, the motion fo...

Judge Overturns 80 Hr. Suspension & Rules A Disparate Treatment & Obvious Formal Privilege That Rank Has At Arlington Police Department
Dec 09, 2019: Members, Recently one of our members received an 80 Hr. suspension for several policy violations. On Aug. 14 & 15 2019 our member attended his arbitration hearing, represented by Attorney Randall Moore. On Dec. 6, 2019 the arbitrator overtured the entire suspension for a number of reasons, which are explained in detail in the attached ruling. We encourage all members to read and share the attached ruling, and remember we are all one call away form being su...

Chief Will Johnson Receives No Discipline Over Use Of The N-Word
Jul 27, 2019: Members, Attached is the ruling from the City Manager regarding our complaint against Chief Johnson. We are sure that it will come as no surprise that it was determined that Chief Johnson did NOT violate City of Arlington Personnel Policy 201.11 A (1)(2).Unbecoming Conduct and Conduct Prejudicial to Good Order, which states, an employee’s conduct at all times, on and off the job, shall reflect favorably on the employee and the City. The subjective intent of the spea...

Deputy Chief James Lowery And Lt. Moses Received Oral Reprimands Related To The Shredded Use Of Force Document
Apr 06, 2018: Members, We are sharing this information because knowledge is power and the more you know the better it may help you in the future should you find yourself in a similar saturation. Let’s first start with the Texas Penal Code 37.10 (a)(3) Tampering with a Governmental Records, which states a person commits an offense if he intentionally destroys, conceals, removes, or otherwise impairs the verity, legibility, or availability of a governmental records. We c...

Retired Officer Files Truthfulness Complaint against Assistant Chief Kolbye
Dec 04, 2017: Most of you know retired Officer Kevin Southard and some of you may have heard rumors of how and why he retired from the Arlington Police Department. This should help shed some light on the issue and clear up some rumors.

No Accountability for Command Staff
Apr 05, 2017: Recently the Arlington Municipal Patrolman's Association filed a complaint against Assistant Chief Ayala, Chief Johnson and City Attorney Sarah Martin, regarding the release of the name and social security numbers of 48 Police Employees.

The More You Know
Jun 13, 2016: The Arlington Police Department is currently conducting an investigation into the actions of several officers stemming from allegations that these officers were falsifying traffic stop data. The Arlington Municipal Patrolman’s Association (AMPA) does not condone the alleged actions of these officers. The department’s investigation is ongoing and we encourage members of the police department as well as the public to not rush judgment until the investigation has run full course.

Civil Service
Sep 11, 2015: Civil Service – What Would It Mean? For the members who missed our meeting on September 10th, TMPA representative Dick Brock discussed civil service and what it could bring to the organization. We will attach a scanned copy of TMPA’s Civil Service Referendum as well as the Power Point discussed in the meeting for our membership to review.